
photo of Jordan and Lyndsey from LineLeader Media with their 3 girls

The Digital Strategist (Jordan), the Brains (Lindsey) and the Interns

We are Jordan and Lindsey Curtis, the founders of LineLeader Media, a digital marketing agency based in Portland, Oregon.

A little about us:

  • Together, we have more than 15 years of experience supporting global and boutique agencies, and now contracting as sole proprietors.

  • Together we offer digital marketing services for small businesses, big brands and everyone in between

  • Our core expertise is focused on organic and paid social media, influencer campaigns, digital strategy, analytics and integrated campaigns

Award-winning Portland, Oregon-based husband
& wife digital marketing team

We plan and execute digital marketing campaigns for local and national brands, small businesses and agencies

Let’s discuss working together!


  • Social Media/Community Management

  • Organic and Paid Social Media

  • Influencer Campaigns

  • Digital Strategy

  • Analytics and Reporting

  • Copywriting

  • Integrated Campaigns

  • Event Support

  • Employee Advocacy Campaigns

  • Account Management


  • Relentless enthusiasm and professionalism

  • Responsiveness

  • Respect for people’s time

  • Executing with intention

  • Constantly striving for actionable insights


We are the proud parents of three daughters and are both born and raised Portlanders now living in SW PDX.

photo of Jordan and Lindsey from LineLeader Media with their girls - and a llama!

We love being sole proprietors as it provides the flexibility to give our children the life they deserve. The story behind our agency’s name, LineLeader Media, begins with our eldest daughter Ella. When Ella was in early daycare, the highlight of her day was coming home to share with us her status as the line leader on her class’s walk to the park. Some days she was thrilled because she was the line leader, others she was disappointed because she wasn’t. On the frustrated days, we had to teach her that it’s as important to be a good follower as it is to be a good leader. That value translates to our business in that we are comfortable and enthusiastic in both roles. We’re happy to lead campaigns and just as happy to be an integral piece of a larger team. That’s LineLeader!

Our experience in working with brands and agencies across the Pacific Northwest has provided us with a fantastic network. If you’re looking for services that we don’t offer, we can almost certainly connect with you someone who can help. Please feel free to get in touch!

Thanks so much for visiting our website and please throw us an email if you’re interested in chatting!